Next Generation Food Workshop will be held


We have long been focusing on new technologies centered on cultured meat and precision fermented meat as alternative protein sources, and have provided start-up support and business development.

On the other hand, we cannot deny the sense of stalling due to the delay in the market launch and the decrease in the inflow of funds. While various factors can be considered, we believe the main reasons are as follows

  • Development of mass production technology and low-cost technology is lagging behind.
  • Difficulty in proposing value as an alternative protein
  • The required elemental technologies are diverse, and product development is highly challenging.

In order to break through this situation, we will hold a "Next Generation Food Workshop" in collaboration with our group companies, Japan Strategic Capital and LibraMedicina.

  • Summary: We will bring together startups engaged in businesses related to next-generation food technologies, such as cultured meat, cellular agriculture, and alternative proteins, and hold discussions and networking with business companies and investors interested in the same fields. Create the seeds of new businesses and build a consortium involving related stakeholders.
  • Schedule: Once every three months on the second Wednesday from 16:00-18:00
  • Location: Hybrid style, Suidobashi, Tokyo (VORT Suidobashi III 4F, 2-8-11 Kanda Sarugakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
  • Next meeting: 8/21 (Wed.) 16:00

If you are interested, please contact us from the following link.
