Japan Market Entry Support for Startups
Do you face challenges such as not being able to get information about the Japanese market because of the language barrier, not having any progress in negotiations with Japanese companies, or not knowing how to set up a Japanese subsidiary? We offer comprehensive support for entering the Japanese market, from the initial consideration stage to closing, through various services such as market research, arranging and supporting business meetings, interpreting, and assisting with setting up a legal entity.
Our Services
Expansion Strategy Planning
We formulate an entry strategy that aligns with the market environment and legal regulations, determining the appropriate approach for entering Japan. We also support the development of business plans for post-entry operations.
Partner Search and Negotiation Support
We offer comprehensive support, including creating a long list of potential partners that align with your expansion strategy, short-listing them through preliminary research, setting up meetings, and assisting with negotiations up to closing.
Japan Legal Entity Establishment Support
In cooperation with local attorneys, we provide support for the establishment of your Japan legal entity in accordance with laws and regulations, including support for obtaining licenses according to the nature of the business.
Market Trends, Needs, and Regulatory Research
We conduct desk research and interviews with key players in the industry to analyze the current market environment and future outlook. Additionally, we conduct research from various angles through interviews and surveys with potential customers and regulatory investigations in collaboration with lawyers, to gather extensive and highly accurate information.
Case Study
Japan Market Entry Support Program for Startups

Project selected for TOKYO SUTEAM, a Tokyo Metropolitan Government initiative. This program aims to support expansion from Southeast Asia to Japan and from Japan to Southeast Asia. We provided mentoring, masterclasses, matching, negotiation support, and even travel subsidies.